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Recap of the 2021 General Body Meeting

On November 28, 2021, AYFA held a General Body meeting comprised of delegates and guests who represented their respective member organizations across the United States. The AYFA Board of Directors went over the AYFA annual report which was followed by the presentations of each member organization's annual report. These reports provided great insight into the organizations’ activities throughout the year. After the annual reports, the president of the World Assembly of Assyrian Youth (WAAY), Sanharib Grigo, joined the meeting and gave a presentation on the Assembly and answered questions from the General Body.

Next, the General Body discussed communication. The Regional Directors, Nineveh Rasho and Ramsin Youkana, elaborated on the importance of communication, from AYFA down to each member of each member organization. The conclusion was to have “AYFA” added to each member organizations’ board meetings agendas and general body meetings agendas as a reminder for the organizations to ensure they present updated information from AYFA to their members. Also, to stay up to date, AYFA requested updated contact lists from the member organizations biannually.

Looking forward towards 2022, ASA of AZ accepted to host the AYFA Assembly, which will be planned for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend. Moving forward, the General Body discussed other future goals for AYFA which included the AYFA Newsletter, the AYFA-AJM Exchange hosted by CCASYA and ASA of AZ, and a Homeland Trip planned with the ASALA and Gishru.

Next, the General Body reviewed all amendment proposals which will be added to AYFA’s Constitution. Afterwards, John Lazar, Michael Nissan, Nancy Lazar, and Christian Askil of the Assyrian Youth Group of North Texas (AYGNT) joined the meeting and introduced themselves and their newly formed organization. Following their presentation, the General Body unanimously voted their organization as an AYFA Member Organization by February of 2022.

Lastly, all four election nominees ran unopposed and were voted onto the board of AYFA. We are elated to now congratulate the newly elected members of the Board of Directors, namely: Nineveh Rasho of ASAC, Vice President; Ted Baza of CCASYA, Treasurer; Stephney Bazi of ASAC, Marketing Director; and Sylvia Isteefanos of ASAC, Eastern Regional Director.

We would also like to thank our former Vice President and cofounder of AYFA, Anthony Narsi, Treasurer, Rameel Khamo, and Marketing Director, Aded Daniel, for all of the hard work and effort that was put into building the foundation of AYFA.

If you are interested in attending the next General Body Meeting, please reach out to AYFA to stay informed.

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